This title makes me think of the movie Deja Vu with Denzel Washington where they can see into the future and change the outcome of what might happen. The quote that stands out to me in my memory that made me think about wanting to write about this topic was ,"What if you had to tell someone the most important thing in the world, but you knew they'd never believe you?" This thought pertains to my walk with God because I know something, something very very important that everybody needs to hear. I know something, the good news of Jesus Christ, that can change the world; it can change the world of the person who hears it and it will change their life forever and for eternity. That's the all important question for all of man kind throughout the ages; what will you do with Jesus Christ?
The fact is that if you are a believer and follower of Jesus Christ and you are ALIVE then you know someone, probably a lot of someones who don't know the good news and the hope that you have in having a saving relationship with Jesus. The fact is that everytime you go to work or just leave your house you have the opportunity to talk to someone and tell them about what God is doing in your life and how believing and following God has changed you from the inside out. Everyone has been commissioned by God through the Great Commission to go out into the world and proclaim the Good News of Jesus and how He rose from the dead and defeated death once and for all. This mandate from God gives you the authority to proclaim this and to be effective at doing it if you are working in the spirit of God (another topic). God is looking for people who will devote their lives and be Passionate about changing the world through preaching the gospel to the lost sheep of this falled world. Jesus said that the people of this world are like sheep without a shepherd; they are looking for the path to take but they are lost. It's your job Christian to lead them back to God, back to a saving relationship with the God of the Universe. It's a common misconception that you have to be a preacher of a church to preach the good news of Christ. This is something that has perverted the church and Christian's everywhere. It has turned people into sponges that just come to church on Sunday and soak up the message from the preacher and then go back to their lives on Monday and forget all about it; then do it all over again. Just because you aren't a preacher of a church or because you didn't go to seminary doesn't give you the right to just sit on the sidelines and watch from the bench. Once you became a Christian you are imediatly in the game and you are an important part of the game because God has destined you to change the world in some way or another. Do you know that if you just spoke with 1 person, we are talking about 1 - ONE person about Jesus and the relationship that God wants to have with them and they were saved that you could change the world. Because that 1 person will talk to his parents and his family and friends and he will meet people around the whole world and do the same thing. This is a domino effect that happens everyday; it happened to my mother. She was telling me about it this week. She told me that when she decided to give her life to Christ that the devil was coming after her so hard that she thought that she was losing her mind. She couldn't concentrate on even watching a movie he was trying to make believe that she wasn't saved and that it could never happen to her or that if she just gave it up and forgot about Jesus that she could go back to life as normal and everything would stop being so confusing. She fought with that for a long time until one day it just stopped and she never turned back. She has run the race of faith for a long time now and she has been through so much from hard times to breast cancer but she has never lost her faith and that has been such a strong influence in my life. She never gave up on me when I got into some bad things in High School and in college; she stayed up praying for me all the time and prayed that I would be safe and that I would return to the Lord soon. It's because of her that I am here today, it's because of her prayers that I am a Christian today because she never gave up on me. Because she didn't give up when times got hard and the devil was coming after her she got to see her sister, husband and 2 children saved and I am sure countless others have been touched and blessed by her enormus faith; I know I have.
It's stories like this that prove that just 1 person can touch so many lives by just living the way that God requires. If you live the way that God has told you and commanded you to live your life will be a testimony to other people and you won't even have to use words to express the love you have for God and they will be able to see that something is different in you just by the way that you act. God will do all the work, He is the only one that can save someone and He is the only one who can call someone to Himself to be saved and to repent and ask for forgivness. God only commands you to tell people about His son and what He has done for your life, to live you life as a testimony of your faith in Jesus; He will do the rest.
So the question stands, what will you do with Jesus? Will you keep him to yourself and live your life on the sidelines, just you and your Jesus? You will still go to heaven and you will be saved from eternity in hell. Or will you live your life ON FIRE for Jesus, completely sold out and passionate about telling people what God has done for you and how it has changed your life? The decision is up to you. You can't hide from God, He sees everything and Jesus said that if you are ashamed of Me in front of men I will be ashamed of you in front of My Father. I want to live my life on Fire for Jesus. I want to tell people the one thing that they need to hear that will change their world. I want to Change the World and give the people I love the opportunity of a life time; what they do with it is completly between them and God. Think about it.... God Bless You!!
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