Sunday, November 15, 2009

When do I get to take a break???

I have to live everyday on guard, ready for the fiery darts of the enemy to be shot as soon as I let my guard down. That might sound like a pessimistic statement to you but if you believe that you have everything under control and you are covering all of your bases you have believed the lie that the enemy wants you to believe and he is stalking you right now waiting for the opportune moment to strike when you least expect it. From my own experience it's been the times when I was on top of the mountain and everything was perfect in my life when the enemy attacked me the most because I was vulnerable and naive. I thought that since everything was going great nothing could hurt me and no matter what I did everything would be ok; famous last words!! I have learned that you can never take your guard down no matter what because we are in a spiritual WAR and we are here to DECLARE WAR against the enemy not just react when he comes to our temple looking for trouble. Once you realize that you are in a WAR, a daily war that will not end until you go home to be with the Lord, you will begin to take things for what they really are. You will see the guys from work going to the strip club as a potential battlefield because the devil wants to destroy your marriage to your wife and destroy your credibility with your children; and the same goes for pornography on your computer, it's all a trap to destroy you in due time. You will see the guys going to the bar for drinks as an attempt to hook you and debilitate you with an addiction that creeps up on you like a stalker in the night who puts a hood over your head right before you get into your car and carries you so far away from reality that you wonder how you ever got there. When you put on the whole armor of God you are equipped and ready for battle and you have the God of the Universe on your side who has already won the final battle so all you have to do is just fight until it's time to go home and then your Warrior days are over. Waking up with the Warrior attitude and mindset is something that Men are naturally equipped to do because we are supposed to be the protectors and providers for our families. We were told to take Dominion wherever we go and we can do so because we are Sons of the Most High God of the Universe, we have royal blood flowing through our veins and if God is on our side who can be against us? NOBODY that's who!! So that's how I'm living my life and it makes me feel good to know that God has my back and to be able to wake up in the morning and prepare for battle.
Now for those who think I'm talking crazy this will probably not make any sense to you but just think about it for a minute. Can you explain why certain things happen in your daily life that make you mad or cause you to get off track? Why the person cuts you off on the highway or your neighbor does something to tick you off? Why that person at the office stole your idea or is talking bad about you or making up rumors that you did something wrong? These are all battles that the enemy is trying to break you down through and if you just look at them as coincidences then you can get frustrated and mad which is exactly what the enemy wants you to be because it takes your focus off God and in turn gets you out of God's protection when you try to retaliate on your own. Everything is a TEST and that's something that we all must learn. We are tested daily with different things and the way we react to them is a testimony to our faith and trust in our God. BE on GUARD and put on the Armor of God so you will be ready for battle and you will have the strength to overcome any challenge and the wisdom to be able to see when the enemy is trying to attack you. Just because you have overcome something that was trying to destroy you, like an addiction or if you have repaired a once failing relationship, don't think that you have won because the battle might be over but the war is just beginning. The enemy will try to take you down a different way so you have to always be on guard and be on the lookout because the enemy is walking around stalking you like a roaring lion waiting to devour you anyway he can.
The second that you understand that you are in a WAR your perspective on life changes and you realize why things happen around you and in your life; you are being tested. But don't get discouraged because if you are a Son or Daughter of the Most High God the WAR has already been won and you are on the winning team. God will give you the strength to fight everyday, you just have to choose to put on the Armor of God and get ready for battle. God is a Warrior at heart and He's got your back so prepare for battle like the men from 300 everyday and realize that your Profession is a WARRIOR; it's what you do and you can never lose!! Bring every negative thought into captivity and don't let those negative thoughts take any root in your heart because you are Royalty and you are a Winner based on your Blood that is flowing through your veins. Just think about that the next time you feel beat down or discouraged; you are a winner and you have the God of the Universe as your Father, who can mess with you and actually think they can get away with it?
So don't let your guard down, stay alert, put on the Armor of God and take Dominion wherever you go because you are a Son or Daughter of God himself and you are a winner. May God make His face to shine upon you today and have a blessed week!!! Amen...

Friday, November 13, 2009


To be raised from a low place to a high place is a definition of the word elevated. Today I was elevated to a new height and raised up out of the ashes if you will. Out of the place that had the ability to hurt me the most I have found new meaning in this life, new strength that I didn't know I had and God has turned a situation that could have brought me down in many different ways into something that has given me new hope for the future. I don't know where you are at right now in life or in your walk with Christ but my only thoughts for anyone who is struggling with something that has the potential to bring them down is to just have faith in the Lord and believe that He will provide for you. Believing is more than just asking for God to do something for you and praying for something to happen. Believing is knowing in your heart that you are a son or daughter of Almighty God and that He is on your side and has your back no matter what and that whatever you ask of Him, if it is in line with His will for your life, He will give it to you because He wants to see you prosper in every aspect of your life. Believing that God will take care of you and that He wants you to be happy because it makes Him happy when you are happy is something that can be hard to do when you are looking down the barrel of a gun or just got laid off from the only job you have ever had but it's all a TEST and an opportunity to grow your faith and for God to show up in your life and do something amazing; that's how I look at it. So no matter what you are going through just turn to God, even if you haven't been that close to Him lately and ask Him what you should do. Get focused on the things that you can change like yourself and your relationship with your heavenly father and once you get those 2 things lined up everything else will fall into place. The best gift you can give anyone is a healthy you; and when you are healthy physically, mentally and spiritually you are unstoppable. Don't give up on the dream, do the hard things now so you can change your future and be ready for God to show up at the time that you least expect Him to and pour out His blessings on you. He wants to bless you beyond your wildest imagination; He's just looking for someone out there to dream as big as He is.