I've been thinking about what the meaning of the word calling is and what it means to be "called" by God. There are 2 important ways that God calls you. The first is being called to follow Jesus, to ask for forgiveness of your sins and admit that you are a sinner who needs a savior. This call is the first of the 2 important calls that I want to talk about and is the gateway to the 2nd call that is what has been on my mind lately.
The 2nd call that I am talking about is God's call for your life or your life's purpose if you want to think of it that way. The call from God to do what He has planned and destined to do. The thing that makes you get up in the morning and run out the door like you are saving the world. That call. It's something that as I have gotten older I feel like I am missing. I enjoy my life and my job but it just feels like something is missing. I feel like there is something else out there that I should be doing, something that I was destined to d. My mom always told me that I was put on this earth to do something GREAT with my life and frankly I want to do something really BIG with my life. I want something that I can call my great purpose in life. Something that I pour myself into for the Glory of God, something that He has ordained for my life. A gift that has been given to me that I must use or it will be lost forever. Something that the world will never see because it was I that was supposed to do it whatever it is. Does anybody else ever feel like that? Do you ever feel like you were made for something bigger than what you are currently doing or the person you are at this very moment? I'm not being delusional or having visions of grandeur thinking I am some Hot Stuff or anything special. I just feel like God has blessed me with a purpose for my life and it's going to be something really HUGE or at least it could be if I will just resign myself to His will and let Him, the God of the Universe, direct my path and lead me in the direction that He wants to take me. I always say that your faith is only as big as your God is. If, to you, God is some far off mean disciplinarian with a magnifying glass in the sun trying to burn you every time you make a mistake and isn't concerned with your problems or your daily life; you probably wont have much faith in Him to take care of your needs. But if your God is the God who Raised Jesus from the DEAD, created the Universe and sustains it and sent His own son to be sacrificied for your sins so you could spend eternity with Him in heaven then you will probably have full confidence in Him to help you get through anything that life throws at you. I am a firm believer that God is watching everything that goes on down here in each person's life. He knows the beginning from the end and He has seen everything that will happen in between. He wants you to ask Him for help when you need it, He wants to be included in everything that goes on in your life and He wants to be your Rock that you build the foundation of your life on. Matthew 7:24-25 says,“Everyone then who hears these words of mine and does them will be like a wise man who built his house on the rock. And the rain fell, the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house, but it did not fall, because it had been founded on the rock." God says that if you will only hear what He has to say and obey Him by doing His will and living your life the way He tells you and shows you how to live it you will be like the wise man who builds his house on the rock. Jesus is the Rock and Foundation of our faith. It is in Him that we have hope for the future and for our salvation. It is in Him that we have been set Free from the bondage and slavery of SIN and addiction and of all of the things of this world that try to hold us hostage and take our lives away from us. Through Jesus we have the power to overcome our addictions and our sinful behavior that creates so much pain and suffering for us and the people around us. We have been given the strength to overcome anything that the devil trys to throw at us to keep us from getting closer to God and from doing the will of our Father. The devil will do anything to keep you from following Jesus. He will cause you to have fights with your spouse, cause things to go wrong at work, cause you to get hurt or any number of awful things just to keep you out of Gods will and out of the presence of God. He doesn't want you anywhere near a church or to have the time in your day to pray. He will give you every excuse in the book to keep you from sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ with someone or from hearing it and believing it yourself because he knows what happens when a person's life is changed and transformed by the saving Grace of God. HE HAS LOST ALL CONTROL OVER YOU!!! Once you have been saved by the Grace of God through Jesus Christ the devil has lost all control over you and he can't win his battle against you anymore unless you let him. I'm not saying that you won't struggle once you become a Christian because you certainly will. The devil will come after you harder and faster and he will try to hit you with whatever your weaknesses are and take you down before you become a bigger threat for him and the kingdom of darkness. But count yourself blessed when the devil comes after you because you know that you have the God of the universe on your side and you have been given a promise from the Lord that the devil willnot win over you. Like the man who built his house on the Rock, the wind and the rain beat against the house like the storms of this life will come against you; but you have your foundation on the Rock of the promise of God and your house will never fall.
God's call for my own life is becoming clearer everyday for me. As I read His word in the bible and study other material I see a pattern of what a Godly Christian man looks like and what it takes to be a follower of Christ. I believe that everyone has a job to do while they are on this earth. God has ordained the number of days that you are going to be alive here and He has scheduled a purpose for your stay on this planet. He has given you a set of talents and gifts, things that you have always loved to do in your life that He wants you to use for His glory and His higher purpose. You can do anything to the glory of God. You can mow grass to glorify God, wash dishes to glorify God, play baseball to glorify God and anything else that you love to do and God has gifted you to do if you are doing it to please God adn to serve a higher purpose. Maybe God has called you to be a professional baseball player so you can give your testimony to your teamates and be a roll model for boys everywhere and show them what a Godly man looks like. Anything is possible with God, don't ever forget that FACT. Cause if God is with you who can be against you?
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