I'm outraged at the downward turn this country is taking and has been taking over the past decade. Everybody seems to have gotten the idea that just because you are born an America, or even the people who weren't born here and have immigrated legally or illegally; that they deserve the best health care for FREE for themselves and their families. It's not that it's something that you work for and earn for your family; they think they have it coming to them and that somebody owes them like it's one of their rights as an American citizen. This thought and mindset has been brewing in America for a few decades now with welfare and other ways that people have learned to tap into the government for free money and services that they never worked for. It's the thought that you can get something for nothing that bothers me and it's what is bringing this country down to it's knees.
I personally along with millions of other hard working Americans hate the thought of giving my hard earned money away to someone with their hand open who refuses to work for it themselves. Now I want to make something very clear, I am a compassionate caring person and I am all for taking care of the helpless and the people who can't take care of themselves for whatever reason until they get back on their feet. I am also for taking care of widows, orphans and the challenged who otherwise would not be able to take care of themselves and lead a good life. I believe in these things and I think it's the right thing to do as someone who lives very well with all of the comfort and luxury a normal American enjoys. It's the people who get in line to get their handout's, free meals, government checks etc that are destroying this country from the inside out. The people who refuse to work for whatever reason, the 2nd and 3rd generation welfare families who just keep having kids with no way to take care of them and expect someone (me and you through the government) to step in and feel sorry for them and provide them with the everyday comforts that we ourselves as hard working American's enjoy. This is outrageous to me and I can't stand to sit by and watch it happen on an even greater scale with Free Government Health Care.
Just the sound of the words Free Government Health Care makes me cringe at the thought of what something like that would do to this country. The United States Government with all of it's legalism and red tape controlling my health and the health of my family. Giving the government the ability to tell you what doctor to see, what medicine you are allowed to take, what procedures you are allowed to have and when and where you can go if they will even agree to let you get treated. They will be in full control of everyone in the USA from what you eat to how much you exercise. They will control who lives and who dies, population control, mandatory abortions, what diseases are worth treating and which ones aren't; you name it and they will be in control. They will not keep your 90 year old Grandma on life support because it is costing the government too much money to keep her alive so they will work out a death plan for her and let you know when to make the funeral arrangements. My mind is spinning just thinking about all of the consequences that we will have to deal with if we let this thing happen like they want it to. The people who are FOR this plan are the people who don't have a job and need medical care or care for their children. I understand needs and I understand that there are a lot of people who have lost jobs lately because of the down economy; I get that and I feel the need to have health care. I understand that health care is too expensive and that the insurance companies have hiked up the premiums and they continue to do so along with the manufacturers of the drugs that are needed to help people. Its expensive to go to the Dr. these days and to have to get medicine; I can't imagine what it would be like if you didn't have insurance. This is where the problem needs to be addressed. We need to figure out what can be done to make health insurance more affordable and how we can create more jobs in this country. We have been outsourcing jobs in this country for so long that we hardly make anything in America anymore. The Greed of CEO's and others in this country have caused a lot of the problems that we are facing these days. The bad business practices of Large companies like General Motors, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, AIG etc have been overlooked for too long and it has all come down at the same time. People living well beyond their means in this country have also been a big part of the problem. Giving loans to people for Huge houses that they had no business buying in the first place. We can't just place all the blame on the government for this and expect them to fix it because that's not the answer unless you want to become a communist nation.
My point is giving the government control of our health care system gives them control of everything in our lives and they have no business in any of that. They are only getting to use the power that WE as the PEOPLE of the UNITED STATES have given to them and nothing more. If we give them the right to take over one of the biggest sections of our economy, the Health Care industry, they will control it all and it will take a Revolution to get that freedom back and our country might not ever be the same. This country was founded on biblical principals from the very beginning. Taking something for NOTHING isn't a part of those principals. You work for what you need and you don't get something for nothing. If it sounds too good to be true then it probably is. In this case it UNDOUBTEDLY IS!! Just think about it, do you really want the government telling you who to use as your doctor and what you can and can't have done? Think about the quality of doctors in this country and then think about what the quality will be when they only make as much as the government says they can make and they basically become puppets for the government; who will want to be a doctor anymore? Not our best and brightest that's for sure. Think about it, do some research, get educated on what the government is trying to do here to our Freedoms as American citizens. Don't just sit back and trust this president and congress because they have their own agenda on their minds, not your best interests I promise you. Too many people have voted this man into office and turned their backs again to their own selfish actions and are just trusting him to do what is right by them. It's a big mistake because you can't give someone that much power and let him go unchecked or he will run all over you; and that is exactly what is happening. The president and congress will have their own private insurance and their own doctors, they won't be subject to government health care like the rest of us so why do they care what happens to you? Think about it will you? Don't let them get away with this Government Health Care Scam....
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