Monday, September 21, 2009

Put me in coach, I'm ready to play...

So many people in this country call themselves Christians. They call themselves this because they believe in God and they might go to church from time to time and they always make it for Easter and Christmas services. God has some very harsh words for people who live like this because He demands a full commitment from a man or woman to be devoted to Him and to live this life fully for the kingdom or fully against the kingdom; to Him there's no in between grove that you can ride.

So, because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will vomit you out of my mouth.
This is Revelations 3:16 and it's talking about people who are fence sitters with one leg on one side and the other on the other side of the fence. They want to be called a Christian but they want to live their own life the way they want to. They don't want to be obedient to God and follow all of His commandments because it's hard and they will have to give up things they want to do or be. Whether it's a drug habit, the love for money, sexual addiction or any other thing people decide that they don't want to give up they are making a choice to walk down their own path instead of walk with God on the path to heaven. It doesn't even have to be a bad thing you are doing it could just be that you don't want to read the bible because you don't like to read or you don't want to take time out of your weekend to go to church or serve God in whatever way He is calling you to serve. Living the life of a Christian follower of Jesus isn't easy, we weren't designed to live the comfortable life. We were designed to follow wherever God leads us and to be ready to go when He calls us. Everyone can look at their life at any point during their life no matter how old or young you are and see something that they know they shouldn't be doing because it goes against the will of God. It's a never ending struggle of sacrifice and suffering being a Christian because it goes against Human Nature to be a Christian. We are naturally selfish people who want to do things our way. We dont want to be told what to do or how to live because we can take care of our selves; right? Wrong. We think we can take care of ourselves but what we might think is good God has something Better in mind and as a Christian you should always want God's Best in your life not the Good that you can do on your own.
The example of this came to me this afternoon when I was just sitting and thinking for a minute; I know that's a dangerous thing for me to do but it happened so I'm telling you about it. You can call yourself a baseball player all you want but if you never practice and you don't ever get into the game what are you really? Can you really call yourself a baseball player if you never play baseball? The same goes with being a Christian in this life. You can call yourself a Christian until you are blue in the face but if you don't live the Christian life by studying the word of God, getting plugged into a church and serving God in whatever way He has blessed you tallent wise then what are you really? Just calling yourself a Christian isn't going to get you into heaven because you can't fool God. He knows your heart and Jesus said where your treasure is there your heart will be also. If you find your treasure in helping people, reading the word of God and getting plugged into your church and serving the people God has put in front of you then your heart will be focused on God. If you are following after the things of this world like money, power, lust and greed then that's where your heart will be which is far away from God.
Jesus said that because you are lukewarm he will spit you out of His mouth at the end of your life. You will not get into heaven with a half hearted attempt to be a Christian. You will not impress God by coming to church a couple times a year or being a good person. He wants YOU, all of you everyday. He wants your thoughts, your time, your treasure all to be on Him and His will for your life. He wants a relationship with you and a relationship is like a flower that takes time to bloom. It needs constant watering and care to become fully grown. Such is the Christian life and the water is the Word of God and spending time in a church that teaches the word of God and surrounding yourself with people who believe the word of God. This relationship is the most important thing in this lifetime and it's not something that you can just do a couple of times a year. It takes daily devotion and all of the time you have to spare. It's not easy but its the most rewarding thing you could ever do in your whole life and you will get to spend eternity in heaven with Jesus your savior. Not only that but you will get to have God work through you and touch the lives of everyone around you; all the people you care about and even people you don't know can come to see God in you and have a relationship with Him themselves. It's the hardest / easiest thing you could ever do. Just trust God and have faith in Him to save you and ask Him to change you from the inside out and just watch what happens. Put me in coach, I'm ready to play...

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